Tuesday, October 25, 2011

1. What are some things you learned about the materials (e.g., glass, concrete, steel) used for re-building ground zero. the things i learned about the material is that concrete is a liquid steel and these materials will help the building stand stronger and prevent another horrible attack. 2. What were some of the challenges that the builders faced when creating the new WTC building and memorial fountains? the builders had to face the clean up that had to be done so they were able to create this wtc. 3. What does the design of the WTC symbolize? What does the design of the memorial fountains symbolize? the wtc symbolizes the twin towers and where they used to stand and the fountain symbolizes the people that died. 4. How will this video affect your memorial design? this video made me think about how i will build my buildings and what materials i will use.

Monday, October 17, 2011