1. Name 5 human rights and explain what they mean. Watch THIS movie for more information. (for a smaller file size version click HERE).
answer:1. freedom of speech which means you have the right to speak. 2. freedom of expression which means that you have the freedom to have a mind of your own. 3.workers rights which means that you have the right to work and get paid fair wadges. 4. the right to play which means you have the right to enjoy yourself. 5. no one can take your human rights which means that your rights belong to you.
2. What human rights are violated in the game ICED? Explain.
answer: your right to play. the right to privacy. freedom to move.freedom of expression.
3. If you could re-design this game, what would you keep? What would you do differently?
answer: i would keep the cops and the question but i think in this game you should have a job so you see how immigrants really live.
Great idea for #3! We should design it in Scratch!